Jumbo Loan

  1. Deposits Multiplier :   Four Times of Deposits
  2. Guarantorship :   Guarantors Required
  3. Loan Repayment Duration :   96 Months (8 Years)
  4. Salary Processing :   Not a must to pass through FOSA
  5. Minimum BOSA Deposits :   No minimum requirement for BOSA deposits
  6. Interest Rate :   15.6% per annum; (1.3% per month)

Insurance Loan Product

Bima Loan

  1. Deposits Multiplier :   Four Times of Deposits
  2. Guarantorship :   No Guarantors required
  3. Loan Repayment Duration :   10  Months
  4. Salary Processing :   Not a must to pass through FOSA
  5. Minimum BOSA Deposits :   No minimum requirement for BOSA deposits
  6. Interest Rate :   1% per month; (10% for the 10 months)
  7. Payment Point :   Cheque to be written directly to the insurance